[Lilug-dev-sig] [ANN] LILUG Android Application Development Hangout -- Wednesday, October 17th @ 21:00 ET

Robert Wilkens robwilkens at gmail.com
Wed Oct 10 09:02:57 PDT 2012


2.3.3 (Gingerbread MR1) is what i think the other phone i had is running…  That works for my purposes.  Being able to target kindle fire 2.3.x would be nice too, but that's not really a priority.

I accepted the invitation, plan to show up, but don't be surprised if i'm not that active at the online meeting.  If sub-projects are doled out (you work on this part, that part, etc.) I'll try to do my part, but independently i have no project ideas.   My interests have been vacillating between doing android java (or dalvik as they call it) programming (or learning/relearning that), or spending my  time trying to learn objective-c for mac-app/ipad programming. the latter wouldn't be a lilug topic though.  

I lied, i have one idea.. For my old Android 2.x phone I'd like to create an easy way to upload photos to a web site (running ASPX) from the phone's camera, most likely through the 'share with' button in the photo gallery app..  But that's not really something i can do as a group project..  I gave that phone to my brother-in-law, and it's his website which i used to maintain and now more or less runs itself (an online photo gallery essentially, not very complex).  I'd like an app portion to that which basically saves the password (and maybe later can add captions and such), and the share with portion, which if set up properly would just send it to the website, perhaps after prompting for a project/category.  I understand at least in part this would require modifications on the server side too, and i dread digging into aspx coding again.


On Oct 10, 2012, at 11:10 AM, Jesse Farinacci <jieryn at gmail.com> wrote:

> Greetings,
> On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 10:38 AM, Robert Wilkens <robwilkens at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Curious, what version of Android are you targeting?
> We discussed this a little bit at LILUG last night. We were thinking
> to target N-2 from the current release, which, when you discount
> Honeycomb as an unreleased tablet-only SDK, means we go back to
> Gingerbread MR1.
> See:
> http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html
> http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/Build.VERSION_CODES.html
> -Jesse
> -- 
> There are 10 types of people in this world, those
> that can read binary and those that can not.
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