[Lilug] Speeding up remote X11 over intercontinental connections

Lewis G Rosenthal lgrosenthal at 2rosenthals.com
Thu Apr 23 12:41:48 PDT 2015

Hey, buddy...

On 04/23/15 03:21 pm, Justin Dearing thus wrote :
> Hello all,
> Long version: In the UK is a linux boxthat I often ssh into from Hoboken, 
> or Cranford VPNed into Hoboken and develop against. tmux and vim are great 
> for 99% of my needs. Sometimes I just want to run pycharm for 
> reasons.Sometimes I want to run tmux from terminator. This basically 
> works, but there is a lot of latency.
> My laptop is running Windows 7 with putty and the latest paid for Xming32 
> build. I turned on ssh compression. The server is running centos 6.6 with 
> EPEL, some scientific linux stuff and the pythong 27 and python 33 SCLs. 
> Other than using VNC instead of a rootless X11 server, is there anything I 
> can do to reduce X11 latency? Is there any troubleshooting I could do?
You may recall the setup I had going a couple of years ago for a client in 
India, where we were landing traffic here in the US and then going out to 
the net routed from several physical locations. The VNC latency was a killer 
(there was a single bad router hop in the UK between us which bombed on a 
regular basis, like a black hole).

We ultimately went with OpenNX:


which worked like a charm. Very low latency and low bandwidth, and worked 
consistently well, even over flaky connections.


Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE, CWTS, EA
Rosenthal & Rosenthal, LLC                www.2rosenthals.com
visit my IT blog                www.2rosenthals.net/wordpress
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