[Lilug] LILUG meeting tomorrow

Robert Phelps bobp at buckram.org
Mon Aug 8 09:17:19 PDT 2016

Good topic.  Who's the speaker?

Wanted to follow up my last post with a perhaps entirely bogus overview of
the developmental aspects that relate to your interest.

You now understand that the map from DNA-IN-ONE-CELL =>
DNA-IN-NEXT-CELL-GENERATED-BY-THAT-CELL is controlled (in part, there's
much more that we're learning) by histone-related exposure of regions of
DNA in the parent cell.

There appears to be a lot of significant signaling that goes on that
determines what is exposed or what is not exposed, and from there, what
happens with other parts of the machinery that encodes protein that, among
other things, determines whether a particular cell will divide.

You understand that some cells somehow wind up in an environment that will
make a finger, some cells in an environment that will make T-Cells.  Some
things are remarkably durable in organisms - the number of six fingered
humans that are born that way is quite small - the number of humans who
develop six fingers having been born with five fingers is, I speculate,
likely much smaller.  T-Cells and other parts of the immune system differ
from fingers in many ways - they do change quite remarkably based on their

If you get a chance, you may want to read about a recent paper where some
people (I think a group in Texas and a group in Europe, Germany perhaps)
did a very careful mapping of brain "regions" - where they were looking at
large numbers of 'assayable' - things that could define regions.  Their
approach dramatically up-numbered the count for brain regions.

This becomes helpful-useful in understanding sociopathy or
psychopathological behavior.  You are aware that some heritable traits
involve large numbers of "genes" - possibly coming into play and
"expressing" at different times during development, where development and
expression is known to involve chemical changes of all kinds that  can be
responses to events that initiate outside the organism.

I haven't looked directly for genetic/epigenetic literature on the
pathological anti-social behavior that interest you.  I tend to want to
think things through on my own before wading in.  My excuse is that I'm
more likely to appreciate the work, etc.  It's also possible that I'm just

I'm really very pleased that you've taken an interest in this subject.
More CS and engineering people should be exposed to science and scientific
research - for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is that you and may
other people are very talented and can make contributions to the science if
you have the time, patience and get lucky (luck is a big part of life, for
better or worse).

It's a shame that the Saopolsky lecture series is gone from the Internet
Archive.  That because some of what he talks about apropos the relationship
between the endocrine system and the nervous system is something that you
would enjoy and something that I think would broaden your understanding of
the exciting challenge you've set for yourself.

More later.  I'm repeating myself.  If you've gone this far, who is the
speaker and how'd you find him?

On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 11:01 AM, odinson <odinson at warcloud.net> wrote:

> Hi All
>         Next LILUG meeting is tomorrow, 8/9 at 8pm at CSHL Woodbury
> campus.  Topic is open source genetics, BUT, our guest speaker has not
> confirmed with me.  Soooo, it's possibly lightning talks.  No worries, I
> think we're ready for anything right?
>         I'll post here if anything changes.  See you tomorrow.
> Matt
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------
> Matthew Newhall, M.A.Newhall at warcloud.net
> A.S. in Computer Science, SUNY Farmingdale
> President and founder of LILUG;  president at lilug.org, http://www.lilug.org
> My theory; Psychopaths precede the conscience,
> http://civgene.matthewnewhall.com
> My maker blog; "The modness", http://themodness.wordpress.com
> Scifi book; "Thicker Than Blood"  http://www.thickerthanbloodthebook.com
> Giselle's husband, Sebastian and Maxximus's father.
> http://www.warcloud.net/~odinson/us/
> "If we win another such battle against the Romans, we will be completely
> lost."
>         -- King Pyrrhus of Epirus
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