[Lilug] Boeing.... bad idea

Robert Wilkens rob.wilkens at ieee.org
Tue Mar 12 20:28:33 PDT 2019

Ok.. for fans of driverless cars....  I know Matt mentioned in past...

There was just another "pilotless" plane wreck...

Do not get me wrong, airports have clearly labelled "concourses" or courses
(paths) for convicts.. maybe these folks got death penalty ruling?

Details on crash here:


Speaking as someone who wrote software for Boeing (Boeingy boeingy as
animaniacs would say)...

This is indicative that software should neither drive planes nor cars...
The very fact that it ever needs to be patched and lives are on the line..


I think the real engineers are saying, hey, we can make patches too when
they did this:


Robert Wilkens
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