[Lilug] Radio enthusiasta

Robert Wilkens robwilkens at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 3 23:24:30 PST 2019

On the topic of illegal aliens, did anyone notice that MS-13 looks a lot like Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) in 1337 speak?  I notice Microsoft dropped support for MSIE when I pointed out an obvious way to break it, back in windows 8 days, and rather than fix it, they left it "as-is" because "nobody wanted to touch that code" and came up with "edge" as a new browser.  I wonder why "nobody wanted to touch that code" - also my psychotherapist insists that "government work" requires the use of Internet Explorer still which is in Windows 10 though officially it is "not a browser"

From: Lilug <lilug-bounces at lists.lilug.org> On Behalf Of Robert Wilkens
Sent: Monday, March 4, 2019 1:47 AM
To: LILUG Mailing List <lilug at lists.lilug.org>
Subject: [Lilug] Radio enthusiasta

I recall amateur radio give away at a recent meeting
Did anyone notice that around 2am a train Seens to make signals in Morse code
For example. The day before recent vacation it signalled *G0 G0"
Just now, it signalled "V' , which was an old miniseries from 1983 I was recalling hours ago
I BELIEVE that series was about aliens, tho it may be signalling about illiegal aliens or Invaders perhaps..

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