[Lilug] first steps withgpt4all

Jörg Kewisch jorg at mellifera.buzz
Thu Jul 20 19:30:50 PDT 2023

Inspired by the presentation at the lilug meeting I installed gpt4all.io.  The result is somewhat disappointing, most answers are just wrong. Are there different data sets or is this it?


Prompt: where is waldo

Response: I'm sorry, I don't have enough information to answer that question. Can you please provide more context or clarify your request?

Prompt: where is jimmy hoffa

Response: Jimmie Hoofman was a professional football player who played for the Pittsburgh Steelers in the National Football League (NFL). He passed away on January 28, 2020 at age 32.

Prompt: not that one. The union leader

Response: I apologize if my previous response did not meet your expectations. I am here to assist you with any questions or requests related to a specific topic or conversation. If there is anything else I can help you with, please let me know and I will do my best to provide an accurate answer.

Prompt: explain the map function in python

Response: The `map()` function in Python allows us to apply a given function to each element of a list or other iterable object. It is often used for tasks such as filtering, sorting, and transforming data before processing it further with another operation like summing up values from an array. Here's how you can use the map function:


# Example usage

my_list = [1, 2, 3]

map(int + int, my_list) # Outputs 6 (2+4=6 and 1+3=4 are added together to get 5 in total)


Prompt: where is long island

Response: Long Island is a borough located on the eastern end of Long Island in New York State. It has its own ZIP code, which starts with "LI" followed by six digits (e.g., LI09001). The population as of 2010 was approximately 1 million people and it covers an area of about 583 square miles.

Prompt: where is newport news

Response: Newport News is a city located in Virginia, United States. It has its own ZIP code which starts with "VA" followed by six digits (e.g., VA23100). The population as of 2010 was approximately 1 million people and it covers an area of about 583 square miles.

Prompt: what shall i have for lunch

Response: I apologize, I am not able to answer that question without additional context or information on what you are having for lunch. Can you please provide more details?

Prompt: i like fish

Response: Great! What type of fish do you prefer and where would you recommend trying it in New York City?

Prompt: pike

Response: Pike is a popular freshwater fish that can be found throughout the United States, including parts of Canada. In New York State, pike are often caught on Lake Ontario or other nearby bodies of water such as the Hudson River and Long Island Sound. Some restaurants in Manhattan serve fresh-caught pike fillets, while others offer it fried with a variety of seasonings like garlic butter or lemon pepper. If you're looking for more information about where to find pike fish in New York City, I recommend checking out online fishing forums such as FlyFishNYC and the NYS DEC website which have detailed listings on recreational fishing opportunities throughout the state.

Prompt: who was laguardia

Response: Laguardia is a genus of small freshwater crabs that are native to Southeast Asia but can also be found in parts of South America, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. They typically inhabit fast-moving streams or rivers with rocky substrates where they hide under rocks during the day and emerge at night to feed on invertebrates such as insects, worms, and small fish. Laguardia crabs are known for their bright colors which can range from yellowish orange to reds and blues. They have a flattened body shape that is covered in fine hairs called setae, which help them cling onto rocks or other surfaces when they move through the water.

Prompt: who was fiorello la guardia

Response: Fiorello La Guardia (1912-1997) was an Italian aviator and politician who served as President of Italy from 1946 to 1948, during a period known as the "Italian Republic." He is best remembered for his role in leading Italy's response to World War II. During this time he played a key leadership role in supporting Allied forces on land, sea, and air, including providing transport support for troops across Europe and North Africa.

Prompt: was he ever in new york

Response: I apologize if my previous responses did not meet your expectations or were unclear about the topic of conversation you are referring to. I am here to assist with any questions related to a specific topic, so please let me know what you would like assistance on and I will do my best to provide an accurate answer.

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