[Lilug-si-sig] Tonight's Meeting - The State of the State

Bart Mallio bart.mallio at gmail.com
Thu Jun 18 02:38:17 PDT 2015

Hi all--

So, it is SISIG time again, and we will be meeting tonight at the Panera Bread restaurant at the Walt Whitman Mall in Huntington, NY at 8 PM.

Neither Matt nor I have a prepared talk, so we were thinking about running a "birds of a feather" session.  My post Raisin Bran brainstorm his morning is that we could each give a quick talk about our latest project or technical challenge.  I figure it will be interesting to--
1) hear about the breadth, depth, and diversity of the group's efforts.
2) get some feedback from friends and colleagues who may have a fresh perspective.
3) hear from a variety of different members.

Of course, if one of you has a talk you'd like to give instead, please let us know, and we'll cheerfully clear the runway for you.


Sent from my iPhone

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