[Lilug-si-sig] LILUG talk's home on the modness

odinson odinson at warcloud.net
Fri May 22 08:10:45 PDT 2015


 	If you know people that are interested in getting minecraft mods 
going, this page may be a better package for them...


 	Thanks for helping out.  As soon as Rocco's talk is up I'll link 
to it there too.


PS:  There is no speaker scheduled for next months meeting so please we'd 
love to have you.  Just email us at government at lilug.org

Matthew Newhall, M.A.Newhall at warcloud.net
A.S. in Computer Science, SUNY Farmingdale
President and founder of LILUG;  president at lilug.org, http://www.lilug.org
My theory; Psychopaths precede the conscience, http://civgene.matthewnewhall.com
My maker blog; "The modness", http://themodness.wordpress.com
Scifi book; "Thicker Than Blood"  http://www.thickerthanbloodthebook.com
Giselle's husband, Sebastian and Maxximus's father.
Americans complain about corruption in government, corporations, unions, and
many other organizations.  It's the growing percentage of psychopath
population and a lack of awareness in society of what they are.  They are
attracted to both power and social control.  Both of which help them to hide
  their condition.  All large organizations in the USA are rife with them now.

People need to come to grips with the idea that a small group of people
simply have NO compassion in them and will use every advantage they get no
matter how abhorrent and unethical.  They are very limited, we worship them,
and give them infinite 'chances'.  It's suicidal.  Ironically, even for them.

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