[Lilug-si-sig] Tuesday, March 15th, 2016

Bart Mallio bart.mallio at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 04:49:06 PST 2016

Hi everyone--

Just a reminder that we will be meeting next week at Panera at the Walt Whitman Mall at 8 PM.  I'm going to be the speaker, and my subject is going to be--
1) very quickly, review DNI James Clapper's February 9th "Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community", in terms of what it means for network defenders; and then,
2) talking about how to make DNI Clapper's observations "actionable".  I'm going to focus on one threat vector-- in this case, the DPRK-- and talk about how one goes about taking strategic warning-- "Kim Jong Un could be your cyber adversary"-- and go from there to understanding the risk and then understanding and detecting potential attacks.

For interested parties, a PDF of DNI Clapper's presentation is here--


Sent from my iPhone

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