[Lilug-si-sig] SISIG meeting tonight

odinson odinson at warcloud.net
Tue Apr 18 07:24:17 PDT 2017


 	Today is SISIG!  4/18/17!  Hooray.  Walt Whitman mall Panera 
bread.  8pm.

 	Nothing specific planned.  Useful conversation about IT 
infrastructure/security is not hard to have, but I'd love to hear if 
anyone has ideas for a more directed talk.  I'd even be fine with a follow 
up to Izaac's talk, implications, etc.

 	OK see you tonight.


Matthew Newhall, M.A.Newhall at warcloud.net
A.S. in Computer Science, SUNY Farmingdale
President and founder of LILUG;  president at lilug.org, http://www.lilug.org
My theory; Psychopaths precede the conscience, http://civgene.matthewnewhall.com
My maker blog; "The modness", http://themodness.wordpress.com
Scifi book; "Thicker Than Blood"  http://www.thickerthanbloodthebook.com
Giselle's husband, Sebastian and Maxximus's father.
"When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over the
generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous...and its speaker a raving
 	-- Dresden James, author

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