[Lilug-si-sig] Meeting tonight, giveaways elections

odinson odinson at warcloud.net
Tue Dec 12 11:03:08 PST 2017

Hello all

 	Tonight is the monthly LILUG meeting.  We've got a solid state 
hard drive giveaway, and don't forget the pile of swag that goes to the 
first person to bring three new people to a LILUG meeting.  :)

 	We had a possible topic, but it fell through.  Been immersed in 
the Bitcoin world so I could talk about that off the cuff.
   Been doing a little consulting on the side, so got the intro down pat.

 	Tonight is the yearly elections.  We have candidates for 
president, vice president and treasurer, but not secretary.  Please 
consider running.

 	We meet at the digital ballpark at 8pm, see you then.

Matthew Newhall, M.A.Newhall at warcloud.net
A.S. in Computer Science, SUNY Farmingdale
President and founder of LILUG;  president at lilug.org, http://www.lilug.org
My theory; Psychopaths precede the conscience, http://civgene.matthewnewhall.com
My maker blog; "The modness", http://themodness.wordpress.com
Scifi book; "Thicker Than Blood"  http://www.thickerthanbloodthebook.com
Giselle's husband, Sebastian and Maxximus's father.
"Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think;
and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think." -- Thomas Edison

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