[Lilug-si-sig] Re joined list

Robert Wilkens rob.wilkens at ieee.org
Fri Mar 2 03:37:55 PST 2018

Can not promise I will attend a meeting, however, thinking back, I recall I attended a meeting where I saw Matt demonstrate a portable Linux machine the size of an android phone before android phones were a “thing”..   so it would seem I have found interesting insider information at these meetings, whether or not I was fully awake.  I am much less drugged now, doc said at this point I am not “legally required” to take certain medications.  Funny thing is it was like being in a shell for a while, and finding new (different) life now.

Same goes for general lilug meetings, such as being introduced to “R” language, now I have at least started two different courses (one dropped, was not ready) which showed where R is used.

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