[Lilug-si-sig] IMPORTANT: LILUG policy on mailing lists

odinson at warcloud.net odinson at warcloud.net
Mon Apr 15 19:54:06 PDT 2019

Hello all

 	The LILUG government has met and put together new mailing list 
policy.  Rules 1 & 2 are old and long standing.  4 & 5 deal with what 
actions to take.  #3 is new.  We *may* issue more than one warning as 
people adjust, but don't count on it.  Full disclosure, we have already
moderated one member.

 	LILUG is at it's best when it can be a sounding board to 
announce events with other local folks, a tech forum for help with 
your open source or Linux problems, and when sharing interesting open 
source news.   Any topic is acceptable, but systemic deviation from these 
cores is heading for trouble.

 	Frankly I hate doing this, but I DO think it's necessary. 
Conversation has shriveled.  To soften the blow we have put together a 
new way (to the world?) to encourage and help people fork when they feel 
they are unjustly censored.  Instead of deplatforming we will REPLATFORM. 
A URL will be passed along on behalf of the moderated.  That way those 
that remain are not punished.  Please pass this idea along in the tech 
world, with luck it help unify and improve fractured online communities.

         1. Use square brackets to denote [JOB] or off topic [OT] posts in
         the subject field.
         2. As a courtesy please emote often.  :)
         3. Do not flood the email list.  That means starting more than two
         subject threads a day.  On topic in thread posts are not totaled.
         4. Per human user placed on individual moderation(not per aliases)
                 A. 3 strikes are available to attempt to follow policy.
                 B. Each strike lasts one year.
                 C. After three strikes moderation is permanent.
                 D. At least one warning will be issued before action.
                 E. Moderated users WILL be replatformed.  A URL
                 that violates no laws WILL be forwarded (quarterly) on
                 their behalf.  Forks are social positives and very open
         5. We reserve the right to switch anyone to moderation to enforce
         policy.  Including new signups.

 	Please pass along your positive or negative thoughts to 
government at lilug.org.  We do want to know and will consider low cost 
innovations and rules in future revisions.

Thanks for your time and being part of LILUG!


Matthew Newhall, M.A.Newhall at warcloud.net
A.S. in Computer Science, SUNY Farmingdale
My weekly podcast, The Technocrat Live.  http://www.thetechnocratlive.com
President and founder of LILUG;  president at lilug.org, http://www.lilug.org
My theory; Psychopaths precede the conscience, http://civgene.matthewnewhall.com
Scifi book; "Thicker Than Blood"  http://www.thickerthanbloodthebook.com
My maker blog; "The modness", http://themodness.wordpress.com
There are a thousand ways to skin a cat.  Liars will tell you otherwise.

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