[Lilug-si-sig] CORRECTION! LILUG Picnic 8/8/2020 noon at Bethpage Park. THIS WEEKEND. Please read guidelines (at end of email) before attending.

odinson at warcloud.net odinson at warcloud.net
Wed Aug 5 22:44:57 PDT 2020

Hello All

  	The LILUG picnic is this Saturday August 8th, with a rain day of
the 9th.  Rain day will be announced on the mailing list, morning of the
8th.   Picnic starts at 12 noon at Bethpage Park.  As usual LILUG will
provide the basics.  All are welcome but please check the guidelines
below in order to plan your trip.

  	LILUG will bring burgers, buns, cheese, condiments in bottles,
cans of soda, plates, charcoal, and a spatula for the grill.

  	Please bring your own chair, blanket or seat so people can eat
away from each other.  Do not bring any home made food that won't be
cooked.  Do wear a mask except when eating.

  	Looking forward to seeing you all again.

See you Sat!


IMPORTANT!  LILUG Picnic Health guidelines.

All are welcome, but please be sensible.  Heath risks from sars-cov-2 are
NOT resolved.  None the less, indefinite closures are not realistic at any
level.  The LILUG picnic is a chance to catch up and meet in person
outdoors.  A few guidelines.

1. The picnic is strictly voluntary and for entertainment.  If you don't
feel safe, don't come.
2. This your choice to visit a public park, LILUG is not liable.
3. Don't come if you know you are sick.  Obviously.
4. The virus is still a threat.
  	Please wear a mask.
  	Please practice social distancing whenever possible.
  	Please follow whatever local/state/federal rules apply.
5. If you bring ready to eat food for the group, please bring individually
wrapped food. Soda cans.  Small bags of chips, wrapped cheese, etc.
6. Nothing served with shared spoons/utensils please.  Do not consume ice.
7. If you bring raw food for the group it will be cooked to at least
medium well.
8. Please bring your own folding chair, seat or blanket.  Only take your
mask off to eat or drink in your space.
9. Please bring a bottle of hand sanitiser or wipes and use them often.

My strategy is to immediately depart the park for the day if anyone is
unwilling to follow these guidelines.  It's been my experience people have
strong feelings about this topic.  LILUG will NOT be mediating any
conflicts over NPIs.  Have fun storming the castle.

Matthew Newhall, M.A.Newhall at warcloud.net
A.S. in Computer Science, SUNY Farmingdale
My weekly podcast, The Technocrat Live.  http://www.thetechnocratlive.com
President and founder of LILUG;  president at lilug.org, http://www.lilug.org
My theory; Psychopaths precede the conscience, http://civgene.matthewnewhall.com
Scifi book; "Thicker Than Blood"  http://www.thickerthanbloodthebook.com
My maker blog; "The modness", http://themodness.wordpress.com
There are three testable differences that separate humans from apes.
1. Apes have vastly superior visual memories.
2. Humans quickly reconcile that an object may not be as it visually appears.
3. Apes won't suspend their own observations when taught by demonstration.

Evolution favors imagination over imitation.

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