[Lilug-si-sig] logitech webcams in stock westbury microcenter

odinson at warcloud.net odinson at warcloud.net
Wed Jul 15 12:47:44 PDT 2020

still few left at 3:45 wed.   most have sold out since this am.

Matthew Newhall, M.A.Newhall at warcloud.net
A.S. in Computer Science, SUNY Farmingdale
My weekly podcast, The Technocrat Live.  http://www.thetechnocratlive.com
President and founder of LILUG;  president at lilug.org, http://www.lilug.org
My theory; Psychopaths precede the conscience, http://civgene.matthewnewhall.com
Scifi book; "Thicker Than Blood"  http://www.thickerthanbloodthebook.com
My maker blog; "The modness", http://themodness.wordpress.com
"The opposite of addiction is connection"  -- Johann Hari  JRE #1250

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