[Lilug-si-sig] No physical LILUG meeting tomorrow. Let's experiment.

odinson at warcloud.net odinson at warcloud.net
Mon May 11 14:22:32 PDT 2020

Hello All

 	Well the end of the world continues.  It's a slow motion thing.  I 
always thought it would be more welding and screaming and toplessness. 
Instead our domiciles have all been turned into low budget space capsules. 
Trying to scrub things clean with limited paper goods.  Mowing your lawn 
in snowstorms.  Ya know, living the dream.

         But one thing about free time and low budget, it screams open 
source.  There is plenty to talk about in the open source space.  We can't 
meet in person.  I don't want to.  Not to mention the whole 'infection 
capital of the world' thing.

 	Naturally we can and will revisit this for June's meeting.  I'm OK 
with meeting in person with masks if it's safer.  And by safer I don't 
mean scientifically, or legally, or politically, but some combo of 

 	There is some justified fear that this lack of meetings will kill 
groups, all groups, that meet in person.  It should be video conferencing, 
even though it's buggy (dropped packets, creepy tracking) and I hate it. 
Been working on a less buggy, less creepy, open source solution, but I'm 
not quite there.  (maybe tomorrow?)  Hence my delay in writing this. 
I've had some breakthroughs and I'm almost there so it's entirely 
possible that I will or will not write the list with a URL this week.  I'm 
motivated, don't like being anyone's lackey, including being cut off.

Here's my thinking on this.

 	Any virtual meetings this week shouldn't official.
 	Anybody can hit us with a possible video conference so long 
as it's not crappy or creepy.
 	Whatever it is, it should at least be pseudo-anonymous
  (labels/titles/screennames are not required to be verified w/real data.)
 	Lets try whatever,whenever and see what works.
 	It should work on Linux, duh.  Don't be insulting.
 	Freedom and privacy over quality.
 	No hurt feelings for sunk time or don't bother (including me)

Let's experiment.  Post your credential process and URLs at will lets 
experiment this week.

Matthew Newhall, M.A.Newhall at warcloud.net
A.S. in Computer Science, SUNY Farmingdale
My weekly podcast, The Technocrat Live.  http://www.thetechnocratlive.com
President and founder of LILUG;  president at lilug.org, http://www.lilug.org
My theory; Psychopaths precede the conscience, http://civgene.matthewnewhall.com
Scifi book; "Thicker Than Blood"  http://www.thickerthanbloodthebook.com
My maker blog; "The modness", http://themodness.wordpress.com
"The world is full of geniuses who didn't do anything.  Who didn't achieve
anything with their work.  The world is packed with idiots who have millions
of dollars in the bank, because they work really hard."  -- Adam Savage

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