[Lilug-si-sig] Tech Hangout (formerly SISIG) Tomorrow - Featuring Cards Against Humanity

Lee Wilbur leew at multiverseit.com
Mon Feb 20 16:31:47 PST 2023

Greetings folks,

Tomorrow is the LILUG Tech Hangout/Social event.  We'll be meeting at my office conference room in Plainview just off the LIE (opposite the Country Pointe shopping center/development on Woodbury Road).  I expect to be there at 7pm with play starting when 4 people have arrived and ending at 11pm.  Those who want to chip in $6, we'll order a pizza from Iavarone.  Those who don't, starve (or bring their own food).

Sorry to be a downer, but please NO ALCOHOL in the building.

Please reply to me off-list if you want to attend.  The conference room is reasonably large and our typical meeting attendance should be fine, but I would like a head count so we don't exceed capacity.


Lee Wilbur
A+, MCSA, MCTS, MS-MVP 2006-2018
Multiverse Enterprises Inc
Providing Technical Support for IT Professionals and SMBs
In the Long Island and New York City areas
516.901.2558 * www.multiverseit.com<http://www.multiverseit.com/>

Please note: Although we may sometimes respond to email, text, and phone calls instantly at all hours of the day, our regular business hours are 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Monday thru Friday.

Twitter: MultiverseIT / ThatWindowsGeek
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Multiverse-Enterprises/102713849814574
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/leewilbur

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