[Lilug-dev-sig] Ruby

Benjamin Kudria ben at kudria.net
Wed Jan 19 12:29:41 PST 2011

On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 11:57, Rob Wilkens <robwilkens at gmail.com> wrote:
> Very impressed after just reading and experimenting with part of the
> first chapter..

Here are some links to some good resources:
Most are online.

> Is this generally considered a unix/linux technology?  I remember
> hearing talk about it at a LI dot net users group meeting a number of
> years ago which leads me to believe not.

Nope, it's pretty firmly rooted in Linux/Unix. The majority of the
Japanese devs (including the inventor, Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto use
Debian/Ubuntu). However, many professional Ruby/Rails devs use OS X.
Large parts of the language are inspired by Perl and it's Unix-aligned
just-get-shit-done philosophy. Ruby makes an excellent excellent
systems scripting language.

> Are there fans of ruby here, want to share opinions on the language?
> I'm curious to hear what others who actually use it think.

I'm a professional Ruby/Rails developer. Ruby is an awesome
general-purpose language, but it's not without it's problems. Do you
have any specific questions? I'd be happy to answer.

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