[Lilug-dev-sig] Ruby

Benjamin Kudria ben at kudria.net
Wed Jan 19 12:35:36 PST 2011

On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 12:30, Rob Wilkens <robwilkens at gmail.com> wrote:
> I suppose i can answer "no" to "aren't we all?" .. That's why i'm
> learning it now.  I also noticed I have a deluxe hosting account from
> Godaddy (didn't know what i was paying for) and that includes ruby
> support, so i can apply the knowledge online..

For Ruby hosting, I strongly recommend http://heroku.com.

They have a "cloud" hosting infrastructure, and support Rack web apps
(Rack is like Perl/Python's WSGI, or MSFT's ISAPI). This means you can
use something major like Rails, or something really simple like
Sinatra. Heroku is free for one "compute unit", which is more than
enough for just playing around.

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