[Lilug-dev-sig] [ANN] LILUG Android Application Development Hangout -- Wednesday, October 17th @ 21:00 ET

Jesse Farinacci jieryn at gmail.com
Wed Oct 10 07:26:16 PDT 2012


Several of us LILUGers have wanted to start doing some Android
application development. We want to do this as part of LILUG, making
smallish, useful, applications and donate them to the world via the
wonder that is free and open source software.

Creating Android applications is remarkably easy. In this first
online-only meeting, we'll cover basic setup of the development
environment and walk through creating our first "Hello LILUG"
application. We'll also cover testing this application with an
emulator and also deploying it to a real and local Android phone.

In order to participate you will need the following:

 * Google account linked with Google+ -- https://www.google.com/settings/account
 * GitHub account -- https://github.com/
 * Eclipse IDE --
 * Eclipse Android Plugin --
 * Laptop/Workstation -- preferably: Linux, decent CPU, decent RAM,
video camera, microphone
 * Android phone -- not strictly required, but it seems relevant

If you want to join in on the Google+ Hangout (Wednesday, October 17th
@ 21:00 ET) where we do some live coding in real time, please let me
know your Google+ account and I'll add you to the invite!!


There are 10 types of people in this world, those
that can read binary and those that can not.

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