[Lilug-dev-sig] Does this group still exist?

Robert Wilkens rob.wilkens at ieee.org
Fri Mar 2 04:01:37 PST 2018

I recall last time I attended a meeting of this group, it was me and one other guy at Panera.  I demonstrated a crummy javatris clone I rewrote and he shared that he usually does low level code and has someone else handle the visuals…. I will say that … could be read a number of ways depending on your state of mind.   At the time, and typically, though, I would presume it means as someone good with very concrete technical details he would have more difficulty with abstract visual artistic skills.  I myself, seem to have a balance, I am not 100 percent expert in either, but like both sides of design and implementation.

I am working on an educational app, but its status in the app stores may be in transition as I try to hand over “ownership” to this “LLC” that magically got created in my name about a week ago.  After that, I might, maybe, make it open source following red hat’s model.. where you can either get it for free or pay…. And there is essentially no difference.

I only mention it here because primarily it is an Android app, there is also a swift version, but I am planning to dump it due to lack of interest.  Android, as I have limited understanding of, is based on the Linux kernel.

So, is this something I can freely discuss here?

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