[Lilug] Lilug meeting tonight (2/10) @ 8pm - Parallel Computing/MPI

Matt Surico surico at buoy.com
Tue Feb 10 09:48:08 PST 2009

Hello everyone,

The next Lilug meeting is tonight, Tuesday, Feb 10th, at 8pm at Farmingdale State College.

The topic for tonight is Parallel Computing and the Message Passing 
Interface (MPI) Library. Our speaker is Brian Fix. Brian will take us on 
a journey through super computing hardware, then discuss benchmarking 
and programming methodologies.  You'll get to see some coding examples 
of MPI as well as some open source science packages.

Directions to the meeting are here:

Yes, don't worry, we'll have plenty of free donuts, free coffee, and 
free software. :)

See you there,
Matt S
LILUG Secretary

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