[Lilug] Still stuck on file permissions

Kenneth Downs ken at secdat.com
Thu Feb 26 06:47:14 PST 2009

I've complained about this before, but I'm still hoping somebody can 
tell me something I don't know.

I'll skip the details and just say the situation is that a programmer is 
developing a web app, but the web app also does code generation, so the 
programmer (a regular linux user) must have full control over the files, 
but the apache process (www-data on ubuntu) must also have full control.

This is only on a dev workstation, the situation can be avoided on a 
production server but not on a dev workstation.

Here is the question: It seems to me that everything about Linux is set 
up to prevent this from happening without major interventions that a 
newer Linux user will not understand and a veteran will consider 
inappropriate.  Am I missing something?  Is there a simple way to give 
two users full control over a body of files?  Don't just say "groups" 
automatically, see below:


1) Add the programmer's user account to the www-data group (veterans may 
object, newbies may stumble)
2) Put perms to 6770 on the file tree
3) Set ownership to <user>:www-data on the file tree

This is what I am doing now.  Believe it or not this is as simple as I 
could figure it, but I'm shooting for simpler.


This gives the veterans fits, but I figured /on a dev workstation/ I 
would just run apache as my account.  This is /more invasive/, but /only 
at a single point/.  At this point the veterans jump in with "never, 
never, never" but don't usually address the context of the situation, so 
I don't know what to do with their advice. 


Complex ACL's.  There seems to be on-off support for more complex file 
permissions in Linux, but I get the sense it is a red-headed stepchild.  
If there were a more powerful permissions system that understood the 
idea of giving two separate users the same permissions, I'd be very 
happy to accept a /configurable dependency/, but I don't get the idea 
that's out there.

So I'm really hoping I missed something in the last 10 years on how 
linux controls file permission :(

Kenneth Downs
Secure Data Software
ken at secdat.com  www.andromeda-project.org www.secdat.com
Office: 631-689-7200
Cell: 631-379-0010
Fax: 631-689-0527

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