[Lilug] Stripping down an Ubuntu Image?

Jonathan Dahan jedahan at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 17:23:36 PST 2009

Building up from debian (just install the base system and gnome) seems
easier than stripping down from full ubuntu. If you absolutely need ubuntu
as the base though, building up from a lighter version of ubuntu might be an
option... see http://crunchbanglinux.org/ . There are other spins of ubuntu
that are also light but crunchbang is the one I know.

- Jonathan

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 4:15 PM, Chris Knadle <Chris.Knadle at coredump.us>wrote:

> On Thursday 26 February 2009, dotCOMmie (Ilya S.) wrote:
> > Kenneth Downs wrote:
> > > Question is, an installed Ubuntu seems to take > 3G.  I'm sure
> > > that can be compressed, but does anybody know what can be safely
> > > purged to shrink that down?  Or can anybody point me in the right
> > > direction?
> >
> > Why ubuntu? Use a different distro, maybe DSL will fit the bill
> > better? Failing that I'd recommend doing a minimal debian install
> > (skip software installation stage (dselect) during install
> > process), and then install only the components you need. Building
> > up is a lot easier than stripping down.
> To get the minimum on Debian you also have to unselect "standard
> system" during the install.  If you want to build a script that does
> the installation, then I suggest looking carefully at 'debootstrap',
> which is actually a lot of fun to use.  A minimal Debian installation
> is around 300 MB (at least for Etch).  DSL [Damn Small Linux] only
> uses about 50 MB and is upgradable to Debian if needed -- thusfar
> I've stuck with Debian because the systems I run have the extra space
> for it.
> Of course it's also possible to strip down Ubuntu, but it will take
> longer and you need to know enough about the package manager to know
> how to look at the rdepends and how to clean up the leftover package
> files after purge or removal.  If you start with Ubuntu "server"
> you'll likely start off with a much smaller starting image point than
> the Ubuntu "desktop".
>  -- Chris
> --
> Chris Knadle
> Chris.Knadle at coredump.us
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