[Lilug] Multi-Site Suggestions

Wes Roepken wes at cmrboss.com
Mon Feb 9 05:21:30 PST 2009

Hi Mike, Justin

Justin Dearing wrote:
> Also, I'd reccomend jabber over IRC, unless everyone there is IRC savvy. 
> IRC has a lot of features, but most people "just understand" jabber.

I'd agree with this point. A lot of people like to use aim like 
services. It's so much easier to follow a conversation if it's not 
interspersed with other's talk. If they need to, they can start a 
'Multi-User Conference' to chat with others, like a 'net' meeting or 
chat room. As far as clients, I use adium on a mac, trillian on a pc, 
and pidgin on linux, that way I can sign in to multiple 
services/accounts with one client instead of chewing up memory with 
multiple clients, if that helps.

Yes, irc has a lot of features, but you may (I haven't tried it yet) be 
able to do audio/video with the right combination of jabber style 
server/clients, as well as share links/files.

There are services out there that provide secure chatting services for a 
monthly fee that might be an alternative for your client, if you find 
it's low on your todo list, or easier to connect remote users. I'm aware 
of a couple being used on wall st. I could find out more if you like.

Another thought comes to mind, what with Sorbanes-Oxley compliance being 
necessary for publicly owned/traded companies, it may be important to 
log all conversations (and e-mail) as well. It's hard to find the 
requirement in the documentation for the law, but believe me it's in there.


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