[Lilug Planning] [Government] Lilug and Social Media

odinson odinson at warcloud.net
Mon Dec 19 14:55:27 PST 2011


 	I think we were going to start to use the 'planning' list 

On Sun, 18 Dec 2011, Mike Costanzo wrote6:

 	Social media stuff is a great thing for a group.  All the problems 
with it are privacy oriented.  A group like LILUG doesn't doesn't have 
real privacy, and can only benifit, IMO.

> The tricky bit is that there may be inherent conflict with some of these by
> virtue of the fact that we are an organization dedicated to open and
> free(dom) technologies.

Nah.  Long as we aren't giving away content in droves more power to us.

> How do some of these break down?
> Facebook?   -> Seems we have a profile. Is it as a "person" or as an
> organization? Who has access to this?

No idea.

> Twitter?       -> A list exists?
> LinkedIn?     -> A group exists owned by Eitan Adler (Do I know who that
> is?)

Eitan Adler - member.  been to a couple of main meetings.  Also been to a 
dozen sisig meetings.   Eitan Adler <eitan.adler at gmail.com>

> Diaspora?    -> +1 for Openness, otherwise..dunno
> Google+      -> I just created a profile for the heck of it (see below)
> I still don't know how I feel about Google.
> That being said, I decided to create a Google account for Lilug, if for no
> other reason, than to sit on it.
> Accounts have to be at least 6 chars, so instead of just plain lilug, I got
> lilug.org

Awesome thanks!

> So we have a gmail  and G+ account: lilug.org at gmail.com (a little
> confusing) whose 'name' is Lilug dotorg.

hmmm could be a spammer.  Looks like that google group we used once is 
under Matt's name.

> Thoughts?
> -Mike

 	Lets set up LILUG pointers/info where we can.  Hope that helps.


Matthew Newhall, M.A.Newhall at warcloud.net
A.S. in Computer Science, SUNY Farmingdale
President of LILUG;  president at lilug.org, http://www.lilug.org
Author; "Thicker Than Blood" http://www.thickerthanbloodthebook.com
Giselle's husband, Sebastian and Maxximus's father.
Your civilization has built the Internet.(+2 science per city) This obsoletes
the Hollywood wonder.(+1 happiness per city)

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