[Lilug Planning] GPG talk

Matt Surico surico at mail.buoy.com
Wed Mar 14 20:43:11 PDT 2012

Hey there Planning Gurus!

I have mentioned in the past (and I see it made it to the Dropbox on our 
wiki) that we should have not only a talk about cryptography and uses of 
GPG, but a key signing as well.

Back in 2000, Tom Rothamel, LILUG's first VP, gave a 3-part talk on GPG, 
and Jeff Sipek did a 2-parter in 2006.

I'd like to revive the talks that they gave, and do this in May and in 
June this year.

I'd present the basic concepts and such, including what this whole 
"trust" thing is all about in May, and then give instructions to people 
on how they can create their own keypair and what they have to do to 
sign off on other's keys, then do the key signing itself, plus complete 
the talk, in June.

We should also consider making key signing a regular event at LILUG - 
maybe we could do it every 6 months or something like that.

If you guys think that's a cool idea for a talk, let me know (if you 
already have someone lined up for either May and/or June already, I can 
shift further down into the year, but wanted the talks to happen on 
consecutive months).

Matt S
LILUG Secretary

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