[Lilug] USENIX EVT/WOTE '09 Call For Papers Now Available

Lionel Garth Jones lgj at usenix.org
Fri Feb 13 16:04:03 PST 2009

The Call for Papers for the 2009 Electronic Voting Technology Workshop/
Workshop on Trustworthy Elections (EVT/WOTE '09) is now available.

This year, the organizers of the USENIX/ACCURATE Electronic Voting
Technology Workshop (EVT) have merged EVT with the IAVoSS Workshop on
Trustworthy Elections (WOTE) to create a joint two-day workshop
(EVT/WOTE '09). EVT/WOTE seeks to bring together researchers from a
variety of disciplines, ranging from computer science and human-computer
interaction experts through political scientists, legal experts,
election administrators, and voting equipment vendors.

EVT/WOTE seeks to publish original research on important problems in all
aspects of electronic voting.

Soliciting New Material:

In addition to the areas in which EVT has seen very strong submissions
in the past (below), we are especially interested in the following types
of contributions:

* Technical work from vendor engineers and developers
* Work involving research with or about accessibility
* Assessments, proposals, and policy prescriptions involving
registration technologies (e-pollbooks, online registration)
* Papers based on direct experiences with recent elections, possibly
from election officials and their staff

Soliciting Standard Material:

In general, we welcome papers on voting topics including but not limited to:
* Voter registration and pre-voting processes
* Vote collection
* Vote tabulation
* Election auditing
* Design, implementation, and evaluation of new voting technologies and
* Scientific evaluations of existing voting technologies
* System testing methodologies
* Deployment and lifecycle issues
* Threat mitigation
* Usability
* Accessibility
* Legal issues, including the ADA, HAVA, intellectual property, and
nondisclosure agreements on voting system evaluations
* Issues with and evolution of voting technology standards
* Election integrity
* Ballot integrity
* Ballot secrecy
* Voter anonymity
* Voter authentication
* Receipts and coercion resistance
* Anonymous channels
* Secure bulletin boards
* Threat models
* Formal security analysis
* Electoral systems
* Case studies of electronic voting experiments
* Privacy, verifiability, and transparency in e-voting

The submission deadline for refereed papers is 11:59 p.m. PDT on
April 17, 2009. Paper submission guidelines can be found at

EVT/WOTE '09 will be a two-day event, Monday, August 10, and Tuesday,
August 11, 2009, co-located with the 18th USENIX Security Symposium in
Montreal, Canada.

Attendance at the workshop will be open to the public, although talks
and refereed paper presentations will be by invitation only.

We look forward to your submissions.

David Jefferson, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Joseph Lorenzo Hall, University of California, Berkeley/Princeton University
Tal Moran, Harvard University

2009 Electronic Voting Technology Workshop/
Workshop on Trustworthy Elections (EVT/WOTE '09)
August 10 –11, 2009
Montreal, Canada
Sponsored by USENIX: The Advanced Computing Systems Association;
ACCURATE: A Center for Correct, Usable, Reliable, Auditable, and
Transparent Elections; and IAVoSS: The International Association for
Voting System Sciences
Refereed paper submissions due: April 17, 2009, 11:59 p.m. PDT

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